
Arrival, The




Sci-Fi, Thriller, Mystery, Action


USA, Mexico


David Twohy


David Twohy


Charlie Sheen, Lindsay Crouse, Richard Schiff, Shane, Ron Silver, Teri Polo, Phyllis Applegate, Alan Coates, Leon Rippy, Buddy Joe Hooker, Javier Morga, Tony T. Johnson, Catalina Botello, Georg Lillitsch, David Villalpando


Zane (Charlie Sheen), a young, mild-mannered astronomer discovers an extraterrestrial radio signal. After being fired from his organization for reporting this to his superior, he takes a chance on discovering the truth: that his workplace is not quite what it seems to be and a sinister conspiracy is at work. The aliens are keeping a deadly secret, and will stop at nothing to prevent Zane from learning it. ------- Zane Ziminski is an astrophysicist who receives a message that seems to have extraterrestrial origins. Eerily soon after his discovery, Zane is fired. He then embarks on a search to determine the origins of the transmission that leads him into a Hitchcockian labyrinth of paranoia and intrigue. ------- When the astronomer Zane Zaminski receives signal from a distant star, he reports and gives all the evidences to his chief, Phil Gordian, and is immediately fired. Zane becomes obsessed to locate the signals again and finds a transmission to the outer space in the same wave from Mexico, and he flies to the place. Meanwhile, the scientist Ilana Green is investigating the unexplained raise of the temperature in Third World countries and also goes to Mexico for further research. ------- Zane Ziminski is a radio astronomer who picks up strange signals from outer space. Believing these signals to be from intelligent life, he reports his findings to his superiors. He is then fired. Investigating the signals on his own, he discovers similar signals emitting from Mexico. Anxious to discover the source of these transmissions, Zane embarks on a trek to Mexico... ------- Zane Ziminski is fired from NASA after picking up unidentified signals from a distant location in space. His curiosity soon turn to sheer terror as he travels to Mexico, where a series of unexplained events lead him to believe that there are aliens all over the world. He gathers evidence to support this theory but will he ever have the chance to broadcast the 'facts' alive?



116 minutes (at 23.97 frames per second)


696 MB


DivX 3 Low - resolution: 624x336
